Chicken Karma

Chicken Karma

Tuesday, 27 September 2016

2017 BUSHY TALES Calendar

2017 BUSHY TALES Calendar

"LET THE GOOD TIMES ROLL", the limited edition 2017 BUSHY TALES calendar, is now available for you to order!

This popular calendar includes..... 

  • 12 BT Sunday strips
  • A bonus BT daily strip on the Back Cover
  • 74 other pieces of BT art
  • Many Australian and Internationally significant dates highlighted
  • 12 "Wombat Words of Wisdom" quotable quotes
  • A 2018 calendar page
  • A special "Notes" page 

And the already-low price even includes the cost of postage (please note there are different prices for Australian orders and International orders).

The cost of the calendar (inclusive of postage to Australian addresses) is just $16.50!

And for overseas addresses, the cost (inclusive of postage) of the calendar is just $22.00!

This is incredible value!

The BUSHY TALES calendars make excellent gifts for Christmas, or birthdays, or just for the joy of giving!...and at this price, you can buy and give several for a relatively small outlay.

Ordering your calendar(s) is very simple....

Go to the BUSHY TALES website and follow the links from the homepage...

Or go directly to the Calendar page and click on the desired Shopping Cart button...

Within a couple of weeks of receiving your order, we will then send your calendar(s) off. (Don't forget to include your mailing address on the order form.)
And please let your families and friends know about this great value offer to get a limited edition BUSHY TALES calendar for 2017.

Thanks heaps!

Until next time....

Joyfully yours,


