BUSHY TALES Syndicated on GoComics!
On July 27th BUSHY TALES will be launched in a worldwide digital/electronic syndication agreement with Universal Uclick, the world's largest cartoon syndicate.
(No, this does not mean immediate fame and fortune...but it is still a very significant and positive move forward in the competitive world of professional cartooning.)
(No, this does not mean immediate fame and fortune...but it is still a very significant and positive move forward in the competitive world of professional cartooning.)
This will initially be on their GoComics website and then, subsequently, through other digital/electronic outlets.
(GoComics, from Universal Uclick, is home to many of the most popular comics and cartoons in the world. is the web's largest catalog of syndicated newspaper strips and web comics, offering new, fresh and free content every day.)
This syndication contract is for digital/electronic use only and does not cover newspaper syndication. However, it is still the biggest and most exciting news for the BUSHY TALES strip yet....and we hope it will lead on to even greater successes in the months and years ahead.
The launch is still some way off yet but I wanted to make a little bit of noise about it.
When the launch date gets closer you can be sure we'll be making a much bigger noise!
When the launch date gets closer you can be sure we'll be making a much bigger noise!
In the current series of BUSHY TALES strips in which Doug, along with Jack and Sugar, is travelling back to his old home (which was destroyed by bush fire), they have encountered many different circumstances and characters....but none with such a special (personal) significance as the most recently encountered character, KEG.
Keg, Doug discovers, is a turtle who lived near his old family home. In the big fire, his turtle shell was crushed by a falling tree, but he survived and eventually found a new home in a discarded beer keg. Hence the name, Keg.
The interesting thing about this new character is that he is not new!
In fact, Keg was the central character in the earliest of my published comic strips, many years ago.
He didn't start out as the central character, but he soon took over the old strip and made it his own.
The strip, KEG, appeared for a number of years in several newspapers in Australia (starting in 1980) before making way for my next, and more popular strip, PEARLY GATES.
Keg, the character, has always had a soft spot in my cartoonist heart and I thought it might be a nice little throw back to the early days of my cartooning career to include him as one of the "side characters" in the current story line
I am sure that no one else has made the connection, but it did have a bit of personal significance at least.
I am sure that no one else has made the connection, but it did have a bit of personal significance at least.
As an interesting commentary on how much comic strips have changed over the years, I have had to work out the colouring for Keg in this BT I had never had Keg depicted in colour previously.
An old character...but freshly presented!
An old character...but freshly presented!
Thank you to everyone for their well-wishes, prayers and encouragement in my recent double knee replacement surgery and recovery.
I am thrilled to say that the operation went very well and the recovery has been going great.
Apparently, I am way ahead of the normal rate of recovery for people who have one knee replaced, let alone two at the same time!
There is, of course, still some pain and discomfort but each day brings me closer to full recovery.
I am extremely thankful for all the support and feel very blessed to doing so well so quickly.